I've been working on a public art project for over five years, which legitimately counts as a long time. It is a complicated site located along the Duwamish River in South Park, a neighborhood in an industrial and residential area of Seattle. This place is sovereign land, was once home to some of the richest immigrant gardening in the city, and has forever been home to a loving, creative and gritty community.
Yesterday I met with some members of my design team, a group that I've recently begun referring to as "the band," as in, "We're getting the band back together," a gentle poking fun at how long it has been since we last met. They are scientists and engineers and project managers who care deeply about this work and the site, and who have taught me about ways to collaborate, listen, stand back and move forward with integrity. I'm excited to see the work beginning to flourish again, and as it unfolds, I'll post progress.
Rust Knot, Hood Canal, 2016